Alani Pi is no ordinary model. Her nice demeanour is disarming compared to the deep and perverted girl on the interior. For her live show, she consented and even requested a head shaving. Its very unusual to get such a request. A model makes a bunch of money based off of appearance, and no hair is a very extraordinary thing for a red-hot cunt like Alani to take on.Wasting no time, Alani is installed in metal stocks with her wrists pent up in leather cuffs and metal and her neck wrapped in metal. The stocks are deliberately a lil' high, making her chin pitch slightly upward and her gams splayed open by cuffs and straps. The idea is to make the process clumsy and already she is fidgeting nervously in her restraints.The electric monster clippers click on in an exhilarated gyrating frenzy. She looks calm but if you study her closely, she is quaking. Scarcely able to make eye contact and furtive sideways glances through her lengthy lashes, she might be reconsidering... Claire however is very committed and starts shaving only half her head so we can watch the stark comparison of shaven and not from our briefly to be clean-shaven Alani. Patiently and leisurely, her hair vanishes and with it all ability to identify with who she formerly was. Now she is just a shell... a vessel... one that we intend to fill to the brim with pain and sensation; shaping, forming, and manipulating.