Slave girl wannabe Hollander has been holding back her pussy all week like it was a fragile family fucking heirloom. Well, today my gimp is here to smash it. Cant wait.First, lets feel up those lovely tits I have been working on all week long. Lets see if all that training this tramp to give up her nipples to the point of orgasm was worth it.Slave girl looks good strapped down on her back with her creamy thighs lewdly jacked apart. It suits her. Especially when that thick cock start pumping that pretty, pink pussy.By the time her ass is in the air and she is taking it like a dog, I am ramming her with the cattle prod freely, barking insane orders into her slowly crumbling face. I drive her for your amusement. Is she good enough?

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Slave girl wannabe Hollander has been holding back her pussy all week like it was a fragile family fucking heirloom. Well, today my gimp is here to smash it. Cant wait.First, lets feel up those lovely tits I have been working on all week long. Lets see if all that training this tramp to give up her nipples to the point of orgasm was worth it.Slave girl looks good strapped down on her back with her creamy thighs lewdly jacked apart. It suits her. Especially when that thick cock start pumping that pretty, pink pussy.By the time her ass is in the air and she is taking it like a dog, I am ramming her with the cattle prod freely, barking insane orders into her slowly crumbling face. I drive her for your amusement. Is she good enough?

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