It was Saturday night and I met up with my girlfriends for our school reunion. We visited an old class we all had together and noticed not much had changed. We all sat around with each other reminiscing and catching up with each other. Turns out Gina became a fetish dominatrix, Lindsay opened up her very own topless hair salon, and Bonnie is a store owner that sells a variety of apparel. We were all just bullshitting and having a great time when all of a sudden, one of the ladies mentioned a name I hadnt heard in a long long time.Do you guys remember, Josh the jerkoff!? Everyone gasped as they remembered who Josh was. Gina tried to recall, I remember that one time when they caught him jerking off in the guys locker room shower? It was right before a game or something like that... I think thats how he got the name right? The ladies and I shared horror stories of Joshs terrible antics. Pulling our pants down, grabbing our tits and trying to fiddle with our pussies in front of everyone. It was so embarrassing that it stayed in our memories even after years of not seeing the guy. It was no wonder that we all wanted to teach him a lesson as soon as we noticed him walking in. Everyone laughed insurprise when he strolled through the door... smugly massaging Bonnies tits as if he owned them. Well show him. As he continued to make an ass of himself, Gina and I huddled together for a mini-chat. I told her I wanted Josh to pay for everything hed done. Gina agreed and suggested we get him wasted and tie him to a desk for a little humiliation retaliation. I grinned coyly as I heard her plan and couldnt wait to actualize it. We made him chug beer after beer until he finally passed out cold. I undressed him completely as Linsay and Bonnie held him up. We carried his naked heavy body over to the teachers desk and tied him up with some rope.All of us saw the marker on the desk and couldnt resist. Gina began writing obscene things all over his face and chest. I colored his balls black and wrote some more. When wed had our fill, we splashed some beer in his face in which he jolted awake. The ladies and I began smacking his ass in a frenzy, enjoying his humiliation. We demanded an apology and he gave us one, but it was half-assed. So we became forceful about it until he sincerely apologized. Having so much control over him, I noticed the ladies getting turned on. We poured some lukewarm beer on his groin and started spitting all over it. Gina milked his shaft with her hands. I joined in kneading softly at his shaved balls and cooch. It was obvious how much Josh was enjoying this as his member grew longer and harder. Soon, all four of us were touching and caressing his dick. He grunted and groaned as he ejaculated. Our hands were all covered in his sticky semen. Joshs smile quickly faded as we all grabbed our things. The four of us giggled satisfactorily as we left the room, leaving Josh tied up and all by his self. What a great reunion.

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It was Saturday night and I met up with my girlfriends for our school reunion. We visited an old class we all had together and noticed not much had changed. We all sat around with each other reminiscing and catching up with each other. Turns out Gina became a fetish dominatrix, Lindsay opened up her very own topless hair salon, and Bonnie is a store owner that sells a variety of apparel. We were all just bullshitting and having a great time when all of a sudden, one of the ladies mentioned a name I hadnt heard in a long long time.Do you guys remember, Josh the jerkoff!? Everyone gasped as they remembered who Josh was. Gina tried to recall, I remember that one time when they caught him jerking off in the guys locker room shower? It was right before a game or something like that... I think thats how he got the name right? The ladies and I shared horror stories of Joshs terrible antics. Pulling our pants down, grabbing our tits and trying to fiddle with our pussies in front of everyone. It was so embarrassing that it stayed in our memories even after years of not seeing the guy. It was no wonder that we all wanted to teach him a lesson as soon as we noticed him walking in. Everyone laughed insurprise when he strolled through the door... smugly massaging Bonnies tits as if he owned them. Well show him. As he continued to make an ass of himself, Gina and I huddled together for a mini-chat. I told her I wanted Josh to pay for everything hed done. Gina agreed and suggested we get him wasted and tie him to a desk for a little humiliation retaliation. I grinned coyly as I heard her plan and couldnt wait to actualize it. We made him chug beer after beer until he finally passed out cold. I undressed him completely as Linsay and Bonnie held him up. We carried his naked heavy body over to the teachers desk and tied him up with some rope.All of us saw the marker on the desk and couldnt resist. Gina began writing obscene things all over his face and chest. I colored his balls black and wrote some more. When wed had our fill, we splashed some beer in his face in which he jolted awake. The ladies and I began smacking his ass in a frenzy, enjoying his humiliation. We demanded an apology and he gave us one, but it was half-assed. So we became forceful about it until he sincerely apologized. Having so much control over him, I noticed the ladies getting turned on. We poured some lukewarm beer on his groin and started spitting all over it. Gina milked his shaft with her hands. I joined in kneading softly at his shaved balls and cooch. It was obvious how much Josh was enjoying this as his member grew longer and harder. Soon, all four of us were touching and caressing his dick. He grunted and groaned as he ejaculated. Our hands were all covered in his sticky semen. Joshs smile quickly faded as we all grabbed our things. The four of us giggled satisfactorily as we left the room, leaving Josh tied up and all by his self. What a great reunion.

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